About Us : Meet The Team
We’re a small team of nice people with a shared passion for great coffee.
This is Will, he's the boss. He's a Co Founder of Roastworks, and legend has it his birthstone is a coffee bean.
You'll find him most days necking filter coffee and running around the roastery doing stuff (we're still not sure what, but it seems important). Will has a penchant for vintage roasting machines and he's our chief tinkerer.

Let's face it, Caro is the actual boss around here. Wife to Will and Co Founder of Roastworks.
Caro's background is in fashion design and when she's not looking after the two kids, she's focused on the business end of things. It's always a light roast coffee for Caro, this girl can sniff out a dark roast a mile away. She loves her retro Suzuki Samurai and trips to Dartmoor.

Jack is our roastery manager, and has taken to the Roastworks team better than a St.Ives seagull to a child’s ice cream – or whatever the saying is. He’s kind of our hero.
Based off his jumper, we’re going to presume he probably hates cycling? And definitely doesn’t spend most of his weekends racing his bike for medals or anything. It’s just a hunch though so we could be wrong. He’s a sucker for the mountains and is obsessed with pizza, so he fits right in here.

Joe knows his way around a coffee roaster and also gets involved with our green coffee buying.
We’ve heard rumours he can play The Last Post on a coffee waste pipe. What a party trick. He loves running, and a good trip down to Cornwall for a swim or surf. He hates the winter a lot and definitely smiles a lot more when the sun comes out. He's a great addition to the team and we love having him around the roastery.

Looked at our Instagram or read our emails and website recently? That'll be Gee. Most days you'll find her dreaming up ideas of ridiculous videos and trying to convince the roastery team to star in them.
Loves a good yomp on Dartmoor, a Sunday roast and Powerlifting. She loves slurping an iced coffee in the summer on the way to the beach for an early morning dip in the sea.

Ollie is our production/barista trainer assistant. He's worked in cafés since forever serving speciality coffee and is going to compete in the UK Barista Championships. Remember his face because it's going places!
He's a serious coffee fanatic with a love for coffees with wacky processing. He likes to pop to Bristol every now and then to hit up great food and drink spots! Which we love because he always recommending places to the team. He does occasionally forget to buy biscuits on the shop run, but we'll let him off.

Giorgi joined us with no coffee experience but we trained him up to become a production roaster and he's taken to it like a duck to water.
He enjoys cooking healthy meals at home and loves a good walk, as long as it's not raining. He's pretty happy and can be found cracking silly jokes most days. His go to coffee is an oat milk flat white and he's always talking about our Ethiopia Guji coffee!

Who in the curtain bangs is this? This is Robbie. Robbie sort of appeared in the roastery one day, and has been here ever since.
He joined as a production assistant – but prefers to be referred to as a production operative – mostly to annoy Ollie. He’s also appointed himself as Head of Entertainment and we’re yet to discover how the rest of the team feel about this title. He enjoys gaming, annoying Ollie and getting active. He also has a pretty intense love for a specific nightclub in Exeter, so we know where to find him on a weekend.